Friday, December 18, 2009

Government Run Health Care

Dear people who want government run health care,

First off...for those who think because I’m opposed to government run health care that I want poor people and babies to die... @#$% off. Second, these are my thoughts and opinions, if you’re too insecure with your own thoughts and beliefs to possibly hear some opposing ideas, tread lightly.

This country has tried to get some form of legislation with government run health care for decades now. It hasn't happened. Why? Well, because there are not enough votes in congress and/or the senate to pass it. So that begs a question. Who do these people in the congress and senate that can’t get this passed represent? Us. Who? Us. LOUDER! Who? US!! That’s right, they represent us. That’s you and me. So if government run health care is so important to all the citizens of this great nation then why we do we continually elect people that are not going to pass this type of legislation? Here's a thought. It’s because the majority of people who vote in this democratic society aren't all that thrilled about the government run health care. So Troy, you're telling me that even though there are a lot of folks out there who with all their will and might think we should have government run health care, there are still more voting people which oppose it? How can that happen? How can that be? It's called a Democracy.

So does this mean this great nation has a majority of people who want poor people and babies to die due to lack of health care? Contrary to what the media would like you to think, no. There is simply a majority of us who don't want government run health care. Okay people, are you picking up on a little theme here? For those of you who are a little bit slow (due to lack of government run health care I’m sure) I’ll say it one more time. There are a majority of people in this country that do not want government run health care.

Now this is the part where you need to follow closely, and really pay attention because it's going to get complicated. So the problem is there are people in this country who need access to better health care, but a majority of the people who vote don't want government run health care. Hmmmmm. Hmmmmmm. What should we do? Oh wait, I got it! Stop trying to pass government run health care as a solution to the problem. Albert Einstein once said the definition of insanity was trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I assumed since there was an Albert Einstein quote I could relate to this, it must be complicated. However, the more I look at, the clearer it becomes. You guys and girls just need to try something different. Something that a majority of people in this country can agree on. This is called collaboration, give-and-take, democracy.

Why are you so insistent on government run health care? Why is it all I hear about is your solution, government run health care and hardly anything about the problem it’s trying to solve. Is it because the solution has become more important to you than the problem? Has it come to a point where you just want to “show” those people who oppose it what you can do with the numbers you thought you had in the senate and congress. Please just stop and think about that for a moment.

When you blame the government for not passing government run health care, you’re really blaming yourself. You put them there. If you don’t like it, do something about it. Just please stop your constant crying about how messed up this great country is because we don’t have government run health care. Especially when you personally sit by idly and let it happen, well except to complain.

Yes, I oppose government run health care. However, I’m more than open to hear some other ideas on how we can help people out who truly need it. If that idea is generated and I agree with it, then I will support it.

If some day there is enough support to pass government run health care I will accept that too. In the mean time, I will do what I can through other means to help those out who don’t have as much. You are doing that also right??


Troy Johnson

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